This post will give some basic concepts on how to Achieve some basic OWA customization
by creating your own Themes., The themes are Real-Time, so there should be no need to restart IIS. (Just F5)
Note: These are only basic guides and tips from our test lab, for official MS Guides please see (Once released)
(Note: Avoid testing through ISA / TMG, This caches the png`s and do not change until the cache expires)
1. Copy your Base theme you wish to edit, The themes are located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Owa\Version*\Themes\
e.g copy the "space" folder and rename the new copied folder to your custom theme.
2. In your new folder edit the file "ThemInfo.xml" and input your Theme Name
3. Edit your themepreview.png to chose your own preview picture
4. Now Just edit the following files.
a) edit csssprites.png with your custom logo (NOTE: This may not work well if you have a full Banner with colour, but works well with the fade effects banner)
b) edit hedaderbgmain.png and enter any custom text or logos if needed.
5. If you also wish to customize the ECP (Options) you will need to edit the same files in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\ecp\Version\Themes\Default
NOTE: After each Service Pack / Rollup you will need to re-copy to your custom theme to the new Version folder.